Oakland Mayor Thao Aide Slanders Oaklanders Wanting Recall As “Losers” Using Donald Trump Bullying

Oakland Mayor Thao Aide Slanders Oaklanders Wanting Recall As “losers” Using Donald Trump Bullying

YouTube video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUAR7fTzSlg Zennie62Blog.com – vlog by Zennie62 YouTube.

Oakland Mayor Thao Aide Slanders Oaklanders Wanting Recall As “Losers” Using Donald Trump BullyingSheng Thao and her staff have said and done some really awful things to Oaklanders during their one-year in office. First, Sheng sought to divide Oaklanders during her campaign, taking to social media to attack one Oakland activist. Second, as District 4 Councilmember, Thao’s office was known as a place where name-calling among people who did not toe the line was common: LeAna Powell was one of those employees. Mayor Thao made LeAna Powell suffer to the point where an investigation is still active with the Oakland Public Ethics Commission, and it will be almost two years old, come August of this year.And then there was Thao’s now former Chief of Staff Renia Webb, who, in a fit of pique caused by her claim of abuse on the part of one of Mayor Thao’s aides, decided to dump text messages shared between her and the Mayor to this author What appears are set of communications where everybody is either someone she loves or a hater, and there’s nothing in between. Some have looked at her communications, and wondered if they were the work of someone in high school. It’s sad statement on our current leadership climate and not intended to be insulting of the Mayor, just factual regarding how a number of people describe how she approaches her public job.And there was the ugly scene of how Mayor Thao fired Oakland Police Chief La Ronne Armstrong really because she wanted an Asian Police Chief, but did not want to look like she was ousting a popular Black Police Chief in Armstrong. She also slandered Chief Armstrong along the way.Now, Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao and her staff (in this case the new Chief of Staff Leigh Hansen) have picked a new person to insult: basically every Oaklander who even dares support the idea of a recall. That happened today and wound up in a national political publication called Politico. In a statement to the publication, Leigh Hansen, noted for her work at Glide Memorial Church where this author has been a member, wrote something very un-Christian-like: “This recall effort is led by losers”. Then, Ms. Hansen added salt to the wound saying that the recall effort was a “desperate attempt for relevance.”That’s the latest name calling stunt by a group of people who seem bent on dividing Oakland, and have too much in common with former President Donald Trump. Trump was famous for bullying and name-calling and was so mean about it, he even called those serving in our military losers. Rather than that behavior going away, it’s clear that Sheng Thao’s decided to use it for her clear attempt to divide Oakland so she can win an election.Don’t let her do it. Oakland’s damaged to the point of almost no return. Recalling Mayor Thao is our best hope for improving our chances at fixing a large number of problems.Recall Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao. ASAP.


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Oakland Mayor Thao Aide Slanders Oaklanders Wanting Recall As “Losers” Using Donald Trump Bullying

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