If Oakland’s Really Talking MLB Expansion, Where’s The Big Plan Mayor Sheng Thao?

If Oakland’s Really Talking MLB Expansion, Where’s The Big Plan Mayor Sheng Thao?

YouTube video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JT41gRBbC2k Zennie62Blog.com – vlog by Zennie62 YouTube.

If Oakland’s Really Talking MLB Expansion, Where’s The Big Plan Mayor Thao?Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao claims that the City of Oakland’s in “talks” about landing the right to form a Major League Baseball Expansion Franchise. That’s no small potatoes, but here we go again with the newbees, the current Mayor of Oakland and her crew, playing lone ranger once again, and thinking they can dupe the public into believing they’ll get the right to an MLB Expansion Franchise their way. Ok, so where’s the beef? Or, where’s the big picture?As Chicago planner Danial Burnham is famous for saying, “Make No Little Plans”:Make no little plans. They have no magic to stir men’s blood and probably will not themselves be realized. Make big plans, aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will never die, but long after we are gone will be a living thing, asserting itself with ever growing insistency. Remember that our sons and grandsons are going to do things that would stagger us.Say, what you will about concept drawings, they at least serve to provide a vision of what the public is to expect, and more importantly, that the maker of the image has at least given the mattter considerable thought. The Ciry of Oakland under Mayor Sheng Thao has not done that.Heck, even though Howard Terminal didn’t get done, give Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf credit for backing the Oakland A’s big vision version of the ballpark. You’d have had to be an android not to get jazzed about the ballpark design Bjarke Ingeles came up with.At the end of the day, if Libby got Howard Terminal done, she could have written her political ticket. Those drawings for Howard Terminal gave Mayor Schaaf currency she then proceeded to blow by picking the wrong people to get it done. By comparison, what does Mayor Thao have? Nothing. No drawings to show. This, while she yaps that the A’s haven’t released their new drawings yet. You’re in talks with MLB for an Oakland Expansion Team, Mayor Thao? Show your cards: your drawings. Another example of Oakland not having its own house in order.Mayor Thao doesn’t seem to understand that getting elected Mayor of Oakland does not mean you’re doing the job of being Mayor of Oakland. It’s the old saying: you got in the office, now you have to prove you have what it takes to stay there. In this instance, Mayor Thao’s not coming up with anything to show for her time as the Mayor of Oakland presiding over the ballpark situation. And what is she doing to do about the Coliseum JPA?Did you know the time is approaching where the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Joint Powers Authority is set to sunset? Yep. This Oakland vlogger’s the only person who worked with Oakland Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan to at least point a picture to a positive tax-increment-financed-fuled future. An Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District ran by a Public Financing Authority / Stadium Authority. That’s on the table. Did Sheng Thao and her crew pick up the ball and run with it? Nope. We’re waiting. But MLB’s not going to wait for long.Fire up the vision for Oakland’s tourism future, Mayor Thao. Get those drawings made. Call my friends Ben Garcia and D’Shon Dixon, and have them come up with something massively cool: a Ballpark Village at Coliseum City that points the way toward an exciting future. And then call me to come up with the financing plan.After all, you know you want to.


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If Oakland’s Really Talking MLB Expansion, Where’s The Big Plan Mayor Sheng Thao?

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